Our Bible study teacher Beth Seifert will lead you through this incredible letter, and we will discuss the lessons each week on our Naomi’s Table Facebook Page.
Today you’ll be reading 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1. Ladies, as you spend time with God today, consider how you are living. Are you living, holy and set apart to God? Or are you living compromising, offering yourself to the world to partner with what the world wants you to do? Paul is not talking about not associating with anyone who isn’t a Christian, but, sisters, please consider whether you are using that as an excuse to engage in activities that you know are not honoring to God.
We are to be in the world, but not of the world. How are you doing with that balance? Ask God to help you to see where you might need to pull back from the world, where you may be drifting in to sin instead of striding toward holiness. And, ask God to help you to see where you might need to step out of your comfort to offer the hope of the Gospel to those around you. There is a balance we must find, ladies, and it isn’t easy. Ask God to help you, today, to want to find the right balance, the balance that glorifies Him, that makes much of Him in all you do.
Download the complete 2 Corinthians Study Notes. You may print these and use with your women’s Bible study, small group or home study.

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