Our Bible study teacher Beth Seifert will lead you through this incredible letter, and we will discuss the lessons each week on our Naomi’s Table Facebook Page.
Today you’ll be reading 2 Corinthians 12:11-21. Ladies, our pride is so insidious. It is so easy to get distracted and think we are being righteous, when, truly, we are being foolish. Pride can impact every area of our lives and make us lose our focus on God. As you spend time with God today, consider how your pride may be influencing your witness of the God you serve. Are you busy at the work God has given you, or are you a busy body? Ask God to show you how your pride may be blinding you to sin in your life. Repent and ask God to help you to kill that sin. Be willing to see your sin for what it is, ladies, and ask God to continue to sanctify you, knowing that sanctification is part of the process in growing closer to Him.
Download the complete 2 Corinthians Study Notes. You may print these and use with your women’s Bible study, small group or home study.

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