Our Bible study teacher Beth Seifert will lead you through this incredible letter, and we will discuss the lessons each week on our Naomi’s Table Facebook Page.
Today you’ll be reading 2 Corinthians 8:1-15. Ladies, there is a balance in our lives that we must be careful to watch. We must not be idle, but we must work, without expecting others to take care of our responsibilities. At the same time, we are to help our brothers and sisters in need as we are able, before we provide for the needs of the world at large. If we are providing for the widows of the world but we have widows and orphans in our churches who are in need, we are not caring for the body of Christ as we should.
Download the complete 2 Corinthians Study Notes. You may print these and use with your women’s Bible study, small group or home study.

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