Why is scripture memorization so difficult? Is it important? We’re going to show you some great tips for how you can do that in a moment with our guest, Susan Heck. It’s easier than you might think. Susan should know; she has 24 books of the Bible memorized.
We’re also going to be talking about Titus 2 and our roles as women who want to please God.
You may know Susan Heck from her With The Master ministry. She has been involved in Women’s Ministries for about 37 years, teaching Bible Studies, counseling, and heading up Ladies with the Master women’s ministry at Grace Community Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She can also be heard weekly on the radio, Women With the Master, on Worldview Weekend. Susan is a certified counselor with the National Association of Nouthetic Counselors. (www.nanc.org), and the author of With the Master Bible study series for ladies, A Call to Discipleship, as well as Putting-Off Life Dominating Sin, A Call to Scripture Memory and Assurance: Twenty Tests for God’s Children.
In Segment 2, we’re scooting up our chairs for our Bible study in I Samuel, with our Bible study teacher Beth Seifert. Be sure to download the notes in our Bible study tab on the menu. Tomorrow we will be introducing you to Samuel, a prophet whose life was incredibly significant!
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- Our high calling as women (Part I of our interview with Susan Heck)

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