About Amy

Amy is a speaker and journalist. In her early career she was a television news reporter, anchor and producer, and spent several years in public relations. She was fortunate to be able to do corporate freelancing from home as she and her husband raised their two children. She has been a born-again Christian since 1999, after hearing the Gospel for the first time. Before that she was a church goer who thought she was a Christian but had never opened the Bible to learn who Jesus Christ really is. In other words, she was ignorantly deceived. That’s why she is so passionate today about helping others discern truth by knowing the Word of God.

In 2010 she helped launch a discernment radio program called Stand Up for the Truth, and spent 5 years having her mind blown by the level of apostasy in churches around the world. When she speaks at conferences and women’s groups, she points them to the hope of Jesus Christ. She is the founder of Berean Research and Naomi’s Table, writes the Berean Examiner blog over at Pirate Christian Radio, and co-hosts the podcast, A Word Fitly Spoken. She is a contributing researcher for The American Gospel AGTV’s Spirit and Fire documentary series. You can also check out her archives from earlier work at aspreeman.com.

Amy also speaks to women’s groups and church retreats around the nation, and will make her third appearance at Answers In Genesis, for the 2025 Resolute Women’s Conference.
Contact Amy at aspree @ protonmail.com (no spaces), to inquire about speaking at your next women’s event.