Join us: “Reliance on God and His Word”

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Ladies, the doctrine of sufficiency of Scripture simply means that God’s Word is all we need for our authority on who God is and who we are in His service of faith.

Unfortunately, extra-biblical revelations, traditions, mysticism, spiritual deliverance ministries and every other false teaching and trendy movement in evangelicalism has stemmed from the disregard of Sola Scriptura, Scripture Alone.

Here’s an opportunity to dig deep into God’s Word and learn about how to discern in these uncertain times. For those of you living in the Midwest or who have the ability to travel, I hope you can attend a women’s conference titled, Reliance on God and His Word. The free conference is happening in Princeton, Il., March 29 – 30 at Princeton Bible Church.

Space is limited, so register quickly! I’m very excited to teach alongside my longtime friend, Michelle Lesley. We’ve got some great topics planned for the weekend, which will be officially announced on the Princeton Bible Church event site:

Join us on Friday evening and all-day Saturday as we fellowship and search the Scriptures together. Be refreshed as we look at what the Bible says about suffering, discernment, and supporting one another. We will be learning from our wonderful guest speakers, Michelle Lesley ( and Amy Spreeman ( All women and young ladies are welcome!

Here’s Michelle on the topic of Discernment:

Hope to see you there!


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